Before our last big snowstorm, we had a chance to get out for a nice hike before the sun had gone down for the day. As we drove farther south, we couldn’t help taking notice of how little snow there was on the ground. What a big difference in traveling a few miles can make in the same state. Our town had several inches on the ground and the area we were driving to, still looked like autumn.
We made our way down to a trail called the Mountain Trail in Rome, Maine off of Route 27. We have never gone to this particular trail before and decided to give it a try. During the fall last year, we had gone on a scenic hike on the French’s Mountain Trail Loop on the other side of Route 27. The trail consists of the main trail as well as the Great Pond and Long Pond Loop. Although it wasn’t a very long hike, it was nice to get outdoors and soak up the sunshine.
The Mountain Trail sign from the parking lot.
The main trail is 0.8 long and ends with a sign marked as private property.
The main trail is an old logging road that leads north.
Leaving the main trail.
The sun shining through the pines (Pinus).
Hiking a trail covered in fallen pine needles.
Hiking downhill through the pines.
A Trail Alliance trail marker.
Trail signs for the Outer Loop and Great Pond Loop trails.
The sun shining over the trail.
Catching a sunburst over the trail.
After hiking on the trail, we drove down to the Town of Belgrade. The town was pretty quiet at this time of year. It is crazy to think, in just a few more months, the town will be filled with seasonal tourists. After driving a bit, we parked the car and decided to take a few photographs of the lake from Castle Island Road.
A winter view of the lake.
A view of the waterfront cabins available on the lake.
A pair of swimming hooded mersangers (Lophodytes cucullatus).
Walking on Castle Island Road.
Another view of the cozy cabin rentals.
A final view of the lake.
We will have to get back down this way during the spring. I’m sure this area will have more energy during the warmer months. I also still have my mindset on observing and photographing loons (Gavia) in this area and this is the perfect place to do so.
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