Maine Huts & Trails is a non-profit organization responsible for creating a system of nature trails and eco-lodges located in the mountain region of Western Maine. The network connects over 80 miles of trails between Route 27 in Carrabassett Valley and Route 201 in West Forks, Maine. Visitors to the area can expect to enjoy activities such as hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, fat-bike riding, fishing, paddling, and swimming. The following pictures are from a hike up to one of these eco-lodges, called Poplar Hut.
A Maine Huts & Trails Trail map.
A Poplar Hut Trail map.
A detailed view of the Poplar Hut Trail.
Ice forming in the Carrabassett River in Western Maine.
Walking up Carriage Road.
One of the entrances to the Narrow Gauge Trail.
Poplar Stream with ice.
A view of Little Bigelow Mountain.
A snow-covered Carriage Road.
A parked snowmobile at the entrance to the Poplar Hut access trail.
The Poplar Hut access trail entrance.
The Poplar access trail.
Hiking the Poplar Hut access trail.
Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus tracks in the snow.
American red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus tracks in the snow.
Evergreens on the Poplar Hut Access Trail.
A White Birch Tree Betula papyrifera lined section of the Poplar Hut Access Trail.
A view from the Poplar Stream Falls bridge.
The top of Poplar Stream Falls.
Poplar Stream Falls iced over.
Fallen eastern hemlock cones Tsuga canadensis in the snow.
The bottom of Poplar Stream Falls frozen with ice.
A break in the ice in Poplar Stream Falls.
Ice formations in Poplar Stream Falls.
The beginning of Warren’s Trail.
Maine Huts and Trails sign.
Hiking Warren’s trail in the snow.
Another view of Warren’s Trail.
An Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis on the trail.
Coming to the end of Warren’s Trail.
Hiking to Poplar Hut in the snow.
The trail sign showing the way to Poplar Hut.
The Maine Hut Trail nicely groomed.
The Poplar Hut Trail sign.
The front of the Poplar Hut.
An uphill view of the Poplar Hut.
A ski rack outside of the hut.
Fat tire bike snow trail riders.
Hikers and fat tire bikers on the Maine Hut Trail.
A trail groomer on the Maine Hut Trail.
Hikers enjoying the snow-covered trails.
Fallen birch bark Betula on the snow.
Eastern hemlock cones Tsuga canadensis in the snow.
Ice formations in the Carrabassett River.
Ice in the Carrabassett River.
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