Every spring, I look forward to my new spring arrivals, but I especially can’t wait for the first glimpse of my red-breasted grosbeak visitors. The males are the first to arrive in May, followed by the females a few weeks later. This year I have three males and two females coming to my feeders. They […]
The Spring Arrival of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Have you ever had a yellow-bellied woodpecker whiz right past your head? Well, I have not once, not twice, but three times in one day! Every spring, with the return of several migrating bird species to the area, comes the arrival of the yellow-bellied sapsucker. You definitely know when they are back, because of their […]
How to Make Your Yard a Bird-Friendly Habitat for the Spring
Spring is the peak season for avid bird watchers. Whether you consider yourself a novice or an expert in your knowledge of the avian world, this is the time for creating a bird-friendly habitat in your yard. Now is the time that birds are returning to areas to find suitable areas to build nests and […]
Identifying the Chipping Sparrow
Chipping sparrows Spizella passerina are American sparrows and passerine birds in the family Passerellidae. There are two subspecies found here in North America, the eastern chipping sparrow, and the western chipping sparrow. These birds are quite common and are frequently seen at feeders. The chipping sparrows are back here in Maine and currently, I have […]
Birdwatching After the Storm
The day after our big April snowstorm, I took the time to do some birdwatching and photography in the backyard. With the wind dying down for the day, the birds were back and hungry as ever to visit the feeders. I’m sure many of the birds have been focusing on establishing their territories for nesting […]
If April Showers Bring May Flowers, What Does Snow Bring?
Here we go again… another forty-eight hours without power. We are no strangers to power outages here in Maine. Without a doubt and with no exaggeration, the power goes out here at least once a week. I know this for a fact because I’m the one who resets the blinking clock over the stove on […]