Eastern tent caterpillars Malacosoma americanum live communally in silken tents designed to keep them warm in cooler weather. The brood side of the tent faces the sun and the caterpillars will add silk as needed. Slugs Gastropoda are very damaging pests in gardens and can be found in moist and humid climates, particularly during the rainy season. […]
Summer Birds
A yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) perching on a birch tree (Betula). A summer chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina). A close-up of a ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris). An eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) during the summer. A female common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). An eastern phoebe fledgling in the grass (Poaceae).
Birds in Maine
A male rose-breasted grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus perching on the branch of a birch tree Betula. A female ruby-throated hummingbird Archilochus colubrisn feeding from a bee balm flower Monarda. The blue jay Cyanocitta cristata is a passerine bird belonging to the family, Corvidae. A white-throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis perching in an apple tree Malus. A female […]
An Autumn Hike on Reed Brook Trail in Kingfield, Western Maine
The following photographs are from an autumn hike on Reed Brook Trail up to Reed Falls in Western Maine. Reed Brook Trail is located on Route 27 between Kingfield and Carrabassett. Reed Brook Trail is about 3.8 miles north of the intersection of Route 16 and 27 in downtown Kingfield. There is a small parking […]
An Autumn Hike at the Scenic Center Hill Nature Trail in Mount Blue State Park in Weld, Maine
Mount Blue State Park is a public recreation area located in the town of Weld in Franklin County, Maine, and is open year-round. The park is just over 8,000 acres and is the largest park in the state system. The park includes acreage on the west shore of Webb Lake as well as Mount Blue […]
Bumblebees Visiting Autumn Black-Eyed Susan Flowering Plants
One of my favorite insects to photograph are bumblebees. Here are just a few photographs from a session with these pollinators visiting black-eyes Susans in one of the flower gardens as well as some information about them. A bumblebee visiting a black-eyed Susan growing in the garden. There are over 250 known species of bumblebees, […]