glaszartcom Summer Fawns with the Zoomies - Watch Until the En An early spring view of Curtis Island Lighthouse l After about 18 inches of snowfall this weekend her Even though there is still a bit of snow on the gr Hello there, chickadee! #BlackCappedChickadee #Chi Observing Purple Sandpipers on the Coast of Maine: The historic Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse as see Although I was ecstatic at the chance to see a nor Traded in the mountains for the coast and went for Sunday brunch in the backyard. #MagnoliaWarbler #B Today is National Hummingbird Day! #NationalHummin A black-capped chickadee perched in a spruce. #Bla Tree swallows often nest in tree cavities but will A male rose-breasted grosbeak. One of my favorite The short-tailed weasel is also known as an ermine A barred owl (Strix varia) watching over the backy A black-capped chickadee perched on a raspberry br A new visitor to the backyard: #BarredOwl #Owl #Ow We got about 20" of snow this weekend! It's going A black-capped chickadee perching in spruce covere The black-capped chickadees enjoying the first sno Visiting evening grosbeaks - A sweet visual Hallow One of my new backyard buddies posing for the came A yellow-rumped Warbler, aka "butter-butt" surroun An Autumn Rainbow in New England: #Fall #Autumn #R Releasing My First Monarch Butterfly: https://glas Date Pudding with Salted Caramel Sauce Recipe: htt When & How to Cut Peonies for Flower Arranging: ht Lavender Ice Cream Recipe: Swamp thistle, also known as marsh thistle, dunce- A red-eyed vireo perching in an ash tree. #RedEyed A skipper feeding from a coneflower. #Skippers #Bu An immature rose-breasted grosbeak perching in an Load More... Follow on Instagram