Today’s interview comes from Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex in the UK and features an extraordinarily talented photographer named Howard Kearley. With a passion for sport and nature, Howard’s photographs exhibit his love for spending time outdoors. Howard’s body of work is quite expansive and his passion and drive for photography speak for itself.
If you would like to see more of Howard’s work, you can visit his website. You can also follow him on Instagram and Flickr.
Where is home?
Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, UK.
Can you please tell our readers a bit about yourself?
I have a passion for sport and nature. I particularly love the outdoors, going kitesurfing, snowboarding, and of course, taking photos.
After browsing through some of your work, I see that you’re truly immersed in the field of photography. What is it that led you towards photography and how long have you been working in it?
I started taking sports photos due to being off the water due to injury, one of my friends is an avid birder and he took me along one day and my interest in nature photography grew from there. I have been taking photos seriously over the last eight years or so.
Is photography your full-time career?
No, (an expensive hobby) although I do sell prints and have given talks at local photography clubs.
In regard to marketing, how much of your time do you dedicate to social media? Do you use any special programs or services?
I post regularly to social media when I have something worth sharing.
Locations and weather conditions seem to be a crucial aspect of a successful picture. How do you handle these unpredictable factors?
I like adverse conditions, if the subjects there I will take the photos. We all would like perfect conditions, but the weather is what it is. Some of my best shots are in the rain and poor light, so I keep an open mind on the light, if you don’t go out you won’t get any photos.
Regarding your styles of photography, which do you prefer the most (landscape, wildlife, etc…)?
Regarding your photos, which truly are remarkable, what advice can you offer to those who would like to begin taking these types of photographs?
Have loads of patience, then practice, practice, practice.
What do you do to keep your photography fresh and how do you stay motivated?
I enjoy improving and seeing how to improve, motivation is not something I have needed on something I love doing.
Share with us your favorite image and why.
I have dozens! But here is one from last week.
What do you hope viewers take away from your images?
Pleasure, motivation and a smile.
What type of camera(s) do you shoot with? What is your favorite lens?
Nikon D850, Nikon D500, 800mm lens, perfect for the Owls.
What is in your camera bag?
All Nikon gear.
What is your favorite photography accessory?
Promedia gimbal head.
What piece of equipment would you most like to get but don’t have yet?
Nikon new 500mm PF lens
How important is Photoshop or other image editing software in your final images?
Very, photography and PP work go side by side.
Are there any areas of photography that you have yet to explore and that you’d like to learn?
Generally would like to improve at what I’m doing at the moment.
What do you think the future holds for you? Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
Semi-retired now (just) so more kitesurfing, snowboarding, photo nature trips in the UK and abroad would be cool.
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