The following photographs are a collection of butterfly photographs that I took when I lived in Connecticut and a few I had taken here in Maine. In Connecticut, we had a few beautiful butterfly bushes Buddleja in the garden and these bushes would always attract a good amount of butterflies every year. It is much too cold for these types of bushes here in Maine. I am always in the process of planting new types of plants and flowers to attract more of these beautiful insects. I have planted a few lilac bushes Syringa vulgaris, lavender Lavandula and various other types of flowers. We will have to see what happens!
A monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus visiting New England in the early spring.
A painted lady butterfly Nymphalinae sitting on a purple butterfly bush Buddleja.
Two painted lady butterflies sitting on a purple butterfly bush.
A monarch butterfly sitting in a butterfly bush during the spring.
A single painted lady butterfly.
An eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly Papilio glaucus drinking from a pink rhododendron flower Ericaceae.
A luna moth Acticus luna sitting on a leaf in Maine during the spring.
A monarch butterfly on a purple butterfly bush.
A skipper butterfly Hesperiidae drinking from a blazing star wildflower Asterales.
A pink sulphur-edged butterfly Colias interior drinking from a white chrysanthemum Asteraceae losing its petals.
A yellow eastern tiger swallowtail hanging From a purple butterfly bush.
A monarch butterfly hanging from a purple butterfly bush in the month of April.
A skipper butterfly Hesperiidae feeding from a blazing star wildflower during the spring in Maine.
An eastern tiger swallowtail drinking from a pink rhododendron flower during the spring in Maine.
An eastern tiger swallowtail drinking from a pink rhododendron flower in New England.
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